

Monday, January 10, 2011

I have never seen snowflakes that actually look like snowflakes...

...until now!!! I was driving home this evening during a snow fall, and my eyes focused on my windshield to notice the cutest mini snowflakes I have ever seen! I say "mini" because most of the snowflakey things I see are over-sized versions, such as Christmas ornaments, patterns on fleece pajama pants, or the ones I used to cut out of construction paper. Most real snowflakes look more like little dust balls of snow or little misshapen circles. Not these snowflakes, though. Oh, no. These were very snowflakey snowflakes!
"Ahhh! Look at that one!"

I tried to restrain myself from staring at the windshield, not through the windshield for the rest of my drive home. Each one that landed on my windshield spurred a rush of excitement in me. After many "Ahhh!"'s and "Oooh!"'s and "Eeek!"'s, I made it home safely and ran inside to get Patrick. He had to see this. He was really excited about the snowflakey snowflakes, too. We spent the next 10 minutes outside with a flashlight and a camera to make sure we documented the moment. 
They were actually more snowflakey in real life, but this gives you an idea.

To give you some perspective of what we were looking at

All these years I've been told that snowflakes are supposed to look like snowflakes, and I've never believed it until now. They should invent something that lets you see tiny mini cute things more easily...

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