

Monday, January 3, 2011

I am most productive when I should be producing something else...

Today I am supposed to be working on my dissertation proposal.

Here is what I have accomplished so far:
-2 loads of laundry.
-1 Lifetime movie.
-Fantastic looking fingernails.
-Sparklingly clean jewelry.
-This blog entry.
-Checked email. And rechecked, and rechecked, and rechecked...
-Started unpacking my suitcase from Christmas.
-Dusted and vacuumed house.

Here is what I have not accomplished so far:
-My dissertation proposal.

Thank goodness I am getting my PhD. Otherwise, I would never get anything done...


  1. Ellen, you should not lie to your blog followers...you have not dusted or vacuumed anything in your life.

    With love,
    Your brother, Tyler

  2. Just kidding...I know you recently started :)
