

Thursday, October 21, 2010

I decided that I'm not going to worry about getting old...

Let me preface this by saying that I did have my moment of weakness...

It all started during the excitement of getting ready for my wedding, when I was getting regular facials. For some reason, you feel like when you are engaged that you need to be getting regular facials, manicures, hair highlights, etc., which seems rather silly now that I look back on it. Anyway, during one of my facials, my aesthetician (that is hard to say) was telling me about an exciting new treatment that they were offering. She goes on to say..................hold on, this is hard for me................She says................"It will help you get rid of all of these fine lines around your eyes and mouth!" (in an excited tone, while pointing out all the "fine lines" around my eyes and mouth in the 10x magnified mirror) .............................................................................My response: WHATTTT!?????!!!!!????!!!!!!!?????!!!!!! (internally, of course. On the outside I was all smiles and saying, "Oh, that sounds neat.")

Needless to say, I never went back there again. Those 10X magnified mirrors are no good for anyone. 

I was 25 years old at the time, and I am convinced that I have had the same "fine lines" since I was about 12. Unfortunately, as soon as she gave them the title "fine lines," there was no going back!

My theory is that it becomes so easy to just blame everything on, "Oh, I am just getting older." Age is so relative. I think you should always just consider yourself "young" compared to where you will be 10 or 20 years from now. This works whether you are 26, 36, 56, or 86.

This picture shows my "fine lines" at my wedding, a few months after "the incident." I think if I were to look at this picture 20 years from now and remember that I had stressed about wrinkles at this point (that's right, I said the 'W' word), I would travel back in time and smack my 25-year-old-self in the face!

My mom on her honeymoon in 1977

When I look at this picture of my mom on her honeymoon (about the same age as me now, give or take a few years), I think that she looks like such a baby!

Me on my honeymoon in 2009

And to think that I, at about this same age, looking almost identical to my mom on my own honeymoon, started to have a moment of weakness of feeling "old!" 

With all that being said, I will obviously start using wrinkle cream in a few years...you can never be too prepared...

1 comment:

  1. omg hahah... love the ending to this post! You crack me up! You and your mom are identical!!!! And... no fine lines on your face silly! That woman probably worked off commission and was bsing you to get a couple extra bucks.That's my theory.
