

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Good, better...and that's it.

Just when I am feeling like the best dancer in the world by Friday, Monday (and Tuesday, in some cases) always seems to roll around to smack me in the face. I think it is important to get smacked in the face every once in a while, though. The wise voice of Paula David, artistic director of StLDT says, "Good dancing is hard!" Sometimes it is easy to forget this because I am surrounded by so many beautiful people that make it look so easy, but the struggle is the best part (sometimes it is easy to forget that, too). I love the blood, sweat, and tears (I think people often say this figuratively, but dancers really mean it) that come together to produce a better product than the day before (usually). Inch by inch we work our way to "better," and it is so rewarding when "better" gets there. Well, I should say that it is rewarding for about 5 minutes, until you move on to attain a better "better." But that 5 minutes really is worth it!  "Best" does not exist. I don't know why we were ever taught "good, better, best." But the fact that best doesn't exist is such a great aspect of life. There will always be a "better". Can you imagine if you ever actually got to "best"? What would you do from there? That would be miserable.

During the "ologist" part of my day yesterday, I sat in on a discussion about the roles of science and religion, and whether science could ever catch up to completely take over the "need for" religion to explain things in the universe. It was brought up that even in science, answering one question opens twelve new questions to be answered. God was pretty smart when He designed the universe. He definitely gave us plenty to do. Whether you are uncovering the secrets of the universe or trying to increase your turnout during tendus, there is always more to do.   

My fellow StLDT dancer, Dustin, just wrote something in his blog that really stuck with me and reminded me why I do what I do. He says (after describing a dream he had about improving his dancing), "I will dream about pirouettes, left splits, and MUCH more for you."

At the end of the day, we do this for you. It is easy to get wrapped up in "why can't my leg go as high as hers," or "why can't I jump as high as him," or "why can't I turn as well as her," when really this isn't about me. It is about you, and giving to you on stage. Don't worry, I promise to still work my butt off to get my leg up as high as hers, and jump as high as him, and turn as well as her, but I also promise to keep you in mind and not let myself drag me down. I promise to keep working toward a better "better" for you and to love every second of it (~inspired by Dustin).

Oh, and here is a picture of my dog because I felt that this post could use a picture...and she's really cute. 

Me with Louise Marie Hinkel-Reed

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