

Sunday, February 20, 2011

No sense in worrying about it...

"There is nothing you can do about it, so there is no sense in worrying about it."

Not only am I still going to worry about it, but that is exactly WHY I am worried about it. If there were something I could do about "it," I would just do it, and then not have to worry about "it" in the first place. I've never understood why people think that line will make me feel better.

Like mother, like daughter...
I have been a worrier as long as I can remember. It doesn't take much to set off that all-too-familiar feeling in the pit of my stomach. Right now, for example, I have a very suspicious looking hangnail (just kidding-but I actually wouldn't put that too far past me). Unfortunately, Louise has adopted my worrying. Her first anxiety attack consisted of her uncontrollably licking the floor so much that she threw up. Mine manifests itself slightly differently. When Louise has one of her "moments," Patrick likes to pet her and say, "Louise, you have anxiety. Anxiety does not have you." It seems to help her a bit. It reminds her that she is in control.

Here is something that I learned from my friend, Dr. Jason Selk. Answer the following question:

What is ONE thing I can do that COULD make this better? 

Yes, it is that simple. The moment you stop thinking about the problem and start focusing on a possible solution, you've stopped yourself from spiraling lower and lower and lower. That first solution may not work, but at least you've given yourself something to focus on other than the problem. If that solution doesn't work, ask yourself the question again and again and again. Keep doing this until it is better.

If that doesn't work, just start licking the floor...

Just kidding, it WILL work.  

P.S. Dr. Selk has a very helpful blog here.

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