

Saturday, March 26, 2011


No need for any further comment.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Saving green... uh, I mean... Going green!

I am very cheap green. Here are a few ways that my husband and I have avoided spending money on un-fun things gone green:


1. I reused all of our wedding gift bags for my family's Christmas presents. Love is ALWAYS a good theme, no matter what the season...so what if there are pictures of brides, grooms, and diamond rings on the bags to symbolize that?

2. Patrick and I reuse our old water bottles to bring wine with us in my purse to the movies. Why throw away a perfectly good water bottle just to use another cup at the theater?!? If we are bringing the water bottle anyway, we might as well put wine in it...

3. I like to be sure that I squeeze every ounce of potential out of my socks. It is important not to be wasteful...

4. We've kept the hideously ugly bushes in the front of our house. It is important to keep plant life around because...you know...for lots of reasons...


5. Patrick likes to give Louise haircuts himself. We are pretty sure that those grooming places use excessive amounts of water while bathing the animals, so we prefer to use as little water as possible at home.


Why waste resources and spend money on gift bags, landscaping, wine, socks, and grooming when you can spend it on diamonds and jewelry help save the environment!?!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

A very happy (and slightly less ugly) birthday!!!

On my actual birthday, I woke up after Patrick had already left for work, and plopped down in front of the computer with my coffee (per my usual routine). This is what I saw...
Then, I had a long day of work at SLU, during which my co-workers brought me some cute mini cupcakes, and a cute mini card! Next, I rushed over to the dance studio to teach, and my wonderful sweet girls brought me funfetti cupcakes, balloons, and cards!

After a long great day, I arrived home to find Patrick and Louise hiding behind the counter to surprise me with my un-birthday cake. We are not really cake-people, so we prefer un-birthday cakes. This year's was a YoMyGoodness yogurt un-cake with trick candles.
Sidenote, trick candles are the scariest things I have ever encountered. Every time I blew them out, a mini explosion would ensue to light them again. Not fun. Only scary. 

The next evening, Patrick and I went out to Ellen's Birthday Dinner #1 to debut my new highlights (step 1 of getting out of my ugly phase).
I decided to get a cute, fun drink instead of my usual Chardonnay, in honor of being slightly less ugly.

The next day consisted of Dance Extravaganza. After a great morning ballet class and a productive day at work, Patrick and I sat front row of the Fox Theatre watching as Paula David taught the warm-up ballet class to Alvin Ailey. Kind of a big deal...  Next, we met Erin and promptly moved the the last row (yes, literally the last row) of the theater to watch them perform. In case you don't believe me, here is a photo of us in our seats. There is nothing behind us but a marble wall...

The next day, Patrick and I shopped til we dropped and went to Ellen's Birthday Dinner #2 to debut my new spray tan (step 2 of getting out of my ugly phase).

I decided to go with an even more fun drink in honor of being even slightly less ugly. I can't even fathom the drink I will order after my manicure!?!?!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

My ugly phase...

Every year around this time, I go through what I like to call "my ugly phase." Let me explain... Things are always busy in the dance department this time of year. This means that my feet are usually in pretty bad shape. Also, why spend the time/money getting my hair done when it will just be sprayed and gel-ed and bun-ed 90% of the time anyway? Dancers typically don't get a lot of time to see the light of day this time of year, so my skin tends to lean more toward the "gray" variety than the "sun-kissed olive" variety. Add all of these factors together and you get... "my ugly phase." It's a viscous cycle, really. It is difficult to be motivated to bring my pre-pedicured, pre-highlighted, pre-spray-tanned self outside to enjoy the spring air, only contributing to the problem.

So, for my birthday this year, which happens to be on Wednesday ("March Ninch"--as I used to say when I was younger), I put the request in to Patrick to be pulled out of "my ugly phase." Plus, I told him that I didn't want anything for my birthday after the Christmas present he surprised me with, so this is a way of getting something without really getting something. He will be giving me the gift of non-ugliness this year, and you can't put a price on that. Well... you can... but don't tell Patrick that...

Hopefully, after my birthday, Patrick and I will not have to confine ourselves to the back booth at El Maguey with the favorable lighting...

                                Back booth with good lighting...     Not back booth with good lighting...*

Disclaimer: I don't really think I am ugly, and just don't feel that I am fully living up to my potential right now. Plus, I just wanted an excuse to post this picture from Seinfeld and to get a manicure/pedicure, highlights, and spray tan...

*I hate to admit this, but this was not even a set up....this actually happened...