

Sunday, March 6, 2011

My ugly phase...

Every year around this time, I go through what I like to call "my ugly phase." Let me explain... Things are always busy in the dance department this time of year. This means that my feet are usually in pretty bad shape. Also, why spend the time/money getting my hair done when it will just be sprayed and gel-ed and bun-ed 90% of the time anyway? Dancers typically don't get a lot of time to see the light of day this time of year, so my skin tends to lean more toward the "gray" variety than the "sun-kissed olive" variety. Add all of these factors together and you get... "my ugly phase." It's a viscous cycle, really. It is difficult to be motivated to bring my pre-pedicured, pre-highlighted, pre-spray-tanned self outside to enjoy the spring air, only contributing to the problem.

So, for my birthday this year, which happens to be on Wednesday ("March Ninch"--as I used to say when I was younger), I put the request in to Patrick to be pulled out of "my ugly phase." Plus, I told him that I didn't want anything for my birthday after the Christmas present he surprised me with, so this is a way of getting something without really getting something. He will be giving me the gift of non-ugliness this year, and you can't put a price on that. Well... you can... but don't tell Patrick that...

Hopefully, after my birthday, Patrick and I will not have to confine ourselves to the back booth at El Maguey with the favorable lighting...

                                Back booth with good lighting...     Not back booth with good lighting...*

Disclaimer: I don't really think I am ugly, and just don't feel that I am fully living up to my potential right now. Plus, I just wanted an excuse to post this picture from Seinfeld and to get a manicure/pedicure, highlights, and spray tan...

*I hate to admit this, but this was not even a set up....this actually happened...

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