

Thursday, August 19, 2010

A little bit about me...

    Lexington, KY

    1 older sister, 2 younger brothers
Thomas, Lindsey, Me, Tyler

    My husband Patrick and I adopted our dog Louise (named after St. Louis). She is black, white, and brown, so we decorated our house to match her. She is often difficult to find because she blends into the background (see photo below). We are waiting to tell her that she is adopted until she is a little older, so we would appreciate your discretion. Anyway, to teach her responsibility, we also got Louise a pet fish named Norman. We also have a gecko...that was an impulse purchase.... Oh, and we are also currently trying to hatch a chick. I will keep you posted...

Patrick and Louise (look closely, she's there)
Sports fan?
    Only in Vegas.

Are you a morning or night person?       
    I LOVE night time and HATE morning time. It is actually quite a problem for me. I stay up way too late because I am so excited that it is night time, and I know that once I go to bed, morning will come sooner...similar, but opposite, to going to bed early on Christmas Eve so that Santa will come sooner. 

What was your favorite childhood television program? 
    Hey Dude..."What out for them cacti..." Please tell me that you remember that?

Are you a collector of anything?               
    I love to collect "cute, little things." Nothing specific, but anything that is cute and little. I have a tiny little porcelain bunny rabbit that I got from the zoo when I was about 7 that I still love. I usually forget about it, and then it pops up in random places. I love when that happens!  Oh...and diamonds and jewelry...sorry Patrick.

Cute, little soy sauce container
If you could be any animal, what would you be?
    I have actually thought about this a lot. I have decided that I would like to be a lion to minimize my chances of being eaten by another animal. Also, lion fur is not particularly stylish, like a zebra, tiger, leopard, etc., so that would minimize my chance of being hunted by humans. I tend to be a worrier, in case you couldn't tell from this post.                   

What is usually your first thought when you wake up?  
    "Coffeeeeee!!!" And then usually, "Yessss, I get to go dance!!!" Every once in a while, "Ouch, I have to go dance now," but that is very rare :)

Are you a clean or a messy person?
    The answer to this is a direct reflection of what I have going on in my life. For example, the photo below shows what my office looked like for the 3 months I was writing my prelims.

Finished Prelims!!!
 What's your favorite animal?     
    It used to be elephant because it started with an E, same as my name...then I saw an National Geographic episode of elephants gone bad and killing people at a circus, so now I am re-evaluating my choice. I am open to any suggestions of other animals...as long as they start with the letter E??? 

What's your favorite color?        
    Black and white...I know that is two, but I consider them to be a set. Hence, my obsession with zebra print. I know what you are thinking...zebra could be my favorite animal...but I was really hoping for an E animal!
List your best personality trait:
    I am very "laugh-y"--I find a lot of things funny, and I think that makes other people feel good about themselves. This is why my husband loves me so much :)           

Name 1 thing you miss about being a kid:            
    Chicken fingers. PETA got me, and I am a vegetarian now.

Name 1 thing you love about being an adult:      

1 comment:

  1. Love all the Pictures!! I agree, wine is good. That is why we always have a bottle in the studio fridge... You just never know.
