

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Keeping you posted, as promised...

So my turns are really coming along! I actually did four pirouettes in class yesterday when I was just messing around. I am not counting my chickens yet, though, because I still need to increase my consistency. Speaking of chickens... our chicks (or very possibly, molding eggs) that we (and by we, I mean Patrick) are attempting to hatch are due very soon! We are doubtful, however, because of how we acquired the eggs. We got them from Patrick's aunt Lynn. We were having lunch with her, and she brought us a carton full of fertilized eggs from her farm to eat. We somehow entered into a discussion of whether the eggs would hatch if we let them. She said that they might (although they had been sitting on her kitchen counter for awhile) and gave Patrick instructions. He promptly went home and set up a incubation system in our guest room. Patrick swears that the eggs are getting heavier, so we shall see...

My Bend and Snaps are coming along, too! I made the mistake, however, of telling Tom (my trainer) that I wasn't very sore after my first session. Don't ever do that... Anyway, before we start each set, he always asks me, "Does that weight feel too heavy?" At 8 a.m., it usually takes all of my motivation not to lie and say, "Yeah, I think I should probably use a lighter one." So far I haven't resorted to that, and I am already feeling stronger! Pretty soon, I might even stop doing my solo workouts in the dark corner of Powerhouse gym, and move to the room with the big guys! I'm pretty sure none of them use the 20 lb weights anyway, so I should have my pick of the litter when it comes to equipment! Plus, some of those guys make me feel much better about my puny little bicep vein.

I am also focusing a lot on the "cologist" portion of my life right now because my doctoral oral exams are coming up! I basically need to just be reading reading reading and immersing myself in my area of research so I can prove that I am an expert. Actually, I don't want to talk about this anymore because it is making me nervous...   

1 comment:

  1. Ellen, can you send me the file for you header dance image?
