

Sunday, December 12, 2010

My cute mini flu

Yesterday I got a flu shot. Today I woke up with a cute mini flu.

I had a sudden stilt of bravery, so I thought I should take advantage of it by getting a flu shot. I need to get my flu shots on a whim, otherwise they won't happen. In the past I have attempted to plan them in advance, consequently initiating the launch sequence of my nervousness. My thought process usually goes something like this:

"I think I can do this!" followed by, "Am I really doing this?" followed by, "I think I could still get out of this...." When I give myself less time to go through these steps, it is usually too late to get out of it. Yesterday, by the time I got to "I think I can still get out of this," I was sitting in the doctor's office with the nurse, who was wiping down the point of entry. Don't get me wrong, I still considered getting up and leaving, but I calculated that the embarrassment would be slightly worse than the needle prick.

I closed my eyes, took a deep breath (only in, then I held my breath the rest of the time), gripped onto the sides of the chair for dear life, and waited for my impending doom.............(pause for the big moment)..............Oh! That wasn't bad at all!

This is what happens EVERY time. You would think that I would just remember that it is not that bad and skip the agony, but then I would not be the Ellen that I am.

Plus, the best part is that I woke up this morning with a cute mini version of the flu that my immune system gets to work on! Now I can breathe a sigh of relief... until next year...

1 comment:

  1. You are an inspiration to me! You are such a beautiful dancer, WOW!!! Hopefully the mini flue passes over quickly!! I HATE needles!!! Thank you for sharing your history on my blog!! If you ever need someone to email for support I am your woman! Have a great day!
